Will warm winter lead to more insect carried diseases this summer?maybe - Corrugated Paper Box
Will warm winter lead to more insect carried diseases this summer?maybe - Corrugated Paper Box Business,Business News,Business O pportunities Winter haters in some parts of Canada got a major break this year,with one of the mildest seasons in memory. But as we head towards summer, there may be a price to pay for thelack of the frigid temperatures a few months back. While it s nota given, the mild winter may lead to an increase in cases ofdiseases spread to people by insects this summer, experts concede. West Nile virus , Lyme disease , and even heartworm in pets all may flourish as a consequenceof the mild winter. More ticks some of which carry the bacterium that causes Lymedisease may have survived the winter than would normally be thecase. And an earlier start to the cycle of mosquito breeding andbiting could potentially lead to more West Nile cases in people andheartworm in pets this summer, they say. They stress the conditional, however. With these diseases, acomplex i...